Friday, October 29, 2010

Who's That What? Friday 29th October (Also, Halloween)

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Congratulations to Dragon Dave, who recognized my own take on
, Son of Gloin from Tolkien's Lord Of The Rings!

I am away today and this weekend,
so there will be no updates for Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st.
Will have new picture on Monday!

Until then, enjoy something vaguely Halloween-esque.
And an explosion of Sharpies

- - -

Am after either/or/both characters:

The Obvious One
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
60's US Comic

The Not-So Obvious
Difficulty: 5 Out Of 5
Pulp Footnote / 70's Comic Villain


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Who's That What? Thursday 28th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Just a quick announcement. I am away this coming weekend, so there will be no updates for Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st.
Gives me another week to work out what I do with weekends now!

Congratulations to Tamsin, who recognized yesterday's WTW, Marco from Mayazaki's Porco Rosso!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

The Archetypal Fantasy Novel

Enjoyed drawing him entirely not like how he's portrayed in The Films
Because being a Great and Noble Hero of your Grim People apparently means
you have to become Comic Relief. Boo. Boo.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Who's That What? Wednesday 27th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Just a quick announcement. I am away this coming weekend, so there will be no updates for Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st.
Gives me another week to work out what I do with weekends now!

Congratulations to Helen, who recognized yesterday's WTW, Red Sonja!

My bad for saying she was from the 30's Pulp. She wasn't.
She was retroactively forced into Marvel's rather-damn-good approximation of that world almost 50 years later.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

Anime Movie


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Who's That What? Tuesday 26th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Just a quick announcement. I am away this coming weekend, so there will be no updates for Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st.
Gives me another week to work out what I do with weekends now!

Congratulations to Dr. Jen, who recognized yesterday's WTW, Meggan, from Marvel's Captain Britain!

(And if anyone's a fan of Moore / DeLano era Captain Britain,
may I highly, highly recommend Warren Ellis' Astonishing X-Men Xenogenesis,
which is basically a very, very Ellis Love Letter to 80's Marvel UK.
Issue 1 had exploding babies. Issue 2 had Doctor Freakin' Crocodile.
Issue 3... well... just go read it. Seriously.)

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

30's Pulp Fantasy / 80's Cinema

And then the Melty Nazi from Raiders Of The Lost Ark
gets crushed under a big stone door.
Hilarity ensueth!

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Who's That What? Monday 25th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Just a quick announcement. I am away this coming weekend, so there will be no updates for Saturday 30th and Sunday 31st.
Gives me another week to work out what I do with weekends now!

Friday's was Dr Nefarious and Lawrence from the Ratchet and Clank Games!
Well Done to Crazy Uncle Ed, who gave me a free dose of mind bleach to combat the Ratchet & Clank slash.
Which never happened.
Thank Brian Blessed.

Congratulations to Mark, who recognized yesterday's WTW, Pulp Hero The Shadow!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

British Comic

Technically, she kind-of appears how you want her to.
But this is far cuter.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, October 24, 2010

Bonus Who's That What? Sunday 24th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Due to lack of Definitive Winner, I'm keeping Friday's entry open until Monday.
Go on, get your gamer friends involved. Somehow.
C'mon. I mean, look at him. Look at his cool robot bits.

Also, today will be the final Bonus WTW for a while.
With 7 Prizes a week and only 5 slots to draw them in, I'm actually rapidly over-shooting myself.
I am currently unsure if I'm just going to draw 7 Days a week, or take weekends off, or continue doing Bonus weekends without Drawing Prizes. Whatever. That's next week.
You will be informed. By Space Telegram.

Congratulations to Helen, the world's slightly-creepy biggest fan of Jetfire / Skyfire from Transformers Generation 1, who was yesterday's WTW!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

30's Pulp

Who Knows What Evil Lurks In The Hearts Of Men?

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bonus Who's That What? Saturday 23rd October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Due to lack of Definitive Winner, I'm keeping Friday's entry open until Monday.
Go on, get your gamer friends involved. Somehow.
C'mon. I mean, look at him. Look at his cool robot bits.

Also, today and tomorrow will be the final Bonus WTW for a while.
With 7 Prizes a week and only 5 slots to draw them in, I'm actually rapidly over-shooting myself.
I am currently unsure if I'm just going to draw 7 Days a week, or take weekends off, or continue doing Bonus weekends without Drawing Prizes. Whatever. That's next week.
You will be informed. By Space Telegram.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

80's Toy / Comic / Cartoon

My Toy Doesn't Look Like This!

And at least two people are gawping. Stop gawping. Now.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Who's That What? Friday 22nd October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Well Done to Casper, who successfully identified
Fathers Ted and Dougal from Channel 4's Father Ted!
And a Plague of Rabbits.
And enlightened me to Mrs Doyle and Father Jack's illicit Porn Ring.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5

2000's Video Game


Oh Boy. This is going to be a hard one.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

Who's That What? Thursday 21st October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Well Done to Christi, who successfully identified
a particularly Tom-Cruise-y Lestat from Anne Rice's Vampire Chronicles!
And enlightened me to Cruise's love of Clams.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5

Irish TV Sitcom

"I won't be happy until the last rabbit round here is the one inside your head,
working the controls!"

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Who's That What? Wednesday 20th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Chaos, who successfully identified
Colossal Douchebag World's Best Dad Gendo Ikari from Neon Genesis Evangelion!
And sent me "HidingInABox" Doujinshi.
Spin around three times. And say Cocks!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

Vampire Books + Film

"That's What You Are! You Are The Devil Itself!"

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Who's That What? Tuesday 19th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Cecily, who successfully identified
Eric & Bananaman!
And sent me Bananaman / The Crow Slashfic.
Hate. So Much Hate.
I never, ever want to read about Bananaman's "Quivering Member" ever again.

Honourable mentions for Michelle (Who sent me Bananaphone),
Mikey (Who sent me Super Cute Baby with Squishy Banana),
and Dave (Who sent me Japanese Terrifying Dole Bananana Guy).

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5


Turned his wife into a mass of clones and a Giant Robot.
To Fight Angels.


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Who's That What? Monday

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Jack, who successfully identified
Tira from Soul Calibur!

Honourable mentions for Ian (Who threatened me with Scorpius/Crichton slash)
and Christi (Who actually sent me Scorpius/Crichton slash). Tears were spilt.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5

British Comic and Cartoon

Worst. Super-Hero. Ever.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, October 17, 2010

Bonus Who's That What? Saturday October 17th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Whoops. Forgot to update LJ and Facebook yesterday. Only 35 Hits.
Proof that I need to keep LJ and Facebook around!

Well Done to Ellie, who successfully identified
Scorpius from Farscape!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

Japanese Fighting Video Game


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Bonus Who's That What Saturday 16th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Early update, because I feel like it. YAY!

Sorry for the ultra-hard one yesterday chaps.
Well Done to Crazy Uncle Fortune, who successfully identified
Motormouth and Killpower from Marvel UK!!
Oh, The 90's.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

SciFi TV.


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Who's That What? Friday 15th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Issy, who successfully identified Lydia Deetz from Beetlejuice!!
And then sent me horrid fanfic.
Oh damn.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 5 Out Of 5

UK 90's Comics.


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Who's That What? Thursday October 14th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Alex, who successfully identified Masako Natsume as Tripitaka from the wonderful Monkey!!
Don't You Shit With Me!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5

90's Cartoon of 80's Film
Or just 80's Film, really.

I, Myself, Am Strange And Unusual.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Who's That What? Wednesday 13th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Breccan, who successfully identified Brian Blessed as Prince Vultan from the wonderful 1980 film of Flash Gordon!!
And yes. Gordon is, certainly, Alive.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

Cult 70's British/Japanese TV of Ancient Chinese Mythology
Oh Wow. Could that be any more Specific?

Not Born From A Stone Egg.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Who's That What? Tuesday 12th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Si, who successfully identified Kay, Cole, Pouncer, Abner and Herne from the BBC rendition of John Masefield's Box of Delights!
And thanks to everyone who entered! Another popular one!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

80's Film of 30's Pulp


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Who's That What? Monday 11th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Ed, who successfully identified Keyop from Battle Of The Planets!
He was the only one. Shame. Boo!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5

30's Children's Book,
Cult 80's BBC Children's Series

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, October 10, 2010

Bonus Who's That What? Sunday 10th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well Done to Richard, who successfully identified Marvel UK's Death's Head, Freelance Peacekeeping Agent and scourge of both Transformers and Time Lords!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

70's Localized Anime. Cartoon. Thing.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Bonus Who's That What? Saturday 9th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well done to Grover, who successfully identified David Bowie's Crotch as Jareth the Goblin King, from Henson's Labyrinth!

He also submitted the following useful facts:
  • David Bowie's sex eyes are illegal in four countries.
  • David Bowie's sex eyes can cause arousal through two sheets of lead.
  • David Bowie's sex eyes have been known to cause anomalies in the local space-time continuum.
  • David Bowie's sex eyes have trapped a weeping angel in an especially unusual slash fic.
  • David Bowie's sex eyes *can* touch this.
  • David Bowie's sex eyes are a renewable source of EROTIC energy.
Also, apologies to submitters if you have not received a reply. Long Day.
Some times this will happen. Will do my best to remedy this when I can. A Woop Woop.
- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 5 Out Of 5

British 80's Comics.


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Who's That What? Friday 8th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Well done to James, who successfully identified Travis,
from Blake's 7!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5

American Film, and your crotch-haunted Nightmares since 1986.

Everything he's done, He's done for You.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Who's That What? Thursday 7th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Also, Facebook!

Important Note: You will now see Adverts on my page. If you are genuinely, genuinely interested in an advert, click it.
Please Do Not "loyalty click" or just spam click them.
AdSense will see it as Click Fraud and get me banned.
All Cool? Sweet.

Well done to Wol, who successfully identified Anna Paquin's Sookie Stackhouse, from True Blood (and thus The Southern Vampire Mysteries)!
But, as Ed pointed out, it's more fun to imagine that Sookie is Rogue from X-men, hiding from Sentinels. Oh crossover.
- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

British TV SciFi.

Like me, has a thing for Servalan.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Who's That What? Wednesday 6th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Also, Facebook!

Important Note: You will now see Adverts on my page. If you are genuinely, genuinely interested in an advert, click it.
Please Do Not "loyalty click" or just spam click them.
AdSense will see it as Click Fraud and get me banned.
All Cool? Sweet.

Well done to Dave, who successfully identified Betty Rubble, from The Flintstones.
And wrote a short essay on why their cars don't work.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

American TV, Novel Series.

Not Pictured: Clairvoyant Powers,
Awesome Theme-tune,
Thick Southern Accents.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Who's That What? Tuesday 5th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Also, Facebook!

Important Note: You will now see Adverts on my page. If you are genuinely, genuinely interested in an advert, click it.
Please Do Not "loyalty click" or just spam click them.
AdSense will see it as Click Fraud and get me banned.
All Cool? Sweet.

Well done to Gemma, who successfully identified (and wrote an email as) Great Uncle Bulgaria, from The Wombles.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 0 Out Of 5

American Cartoon.
And Cigarette Adverts.

Dinosaurs As Appliances.
Dinosaurs As Appliances Everywhere.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, October 4, 2010

Who's That What? Monday 4th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Also, Facebook!

Well done to Jon, who successfully identified H.E.L.P.eR, from the absolutely brilliant Adult Swim cartoon The Venture Bros.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 0 Out Of 5

British. As Pie.

Something Something Wimbledon Common.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Bonus Who's That What? Sunday 3rd October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Also, Facebook!

Well done to Sacha, who successfully identified First Evil Ex Matthew Patel, from the absolutely brilliant Scott Pilgrim comics. Well, the film was pretty good.

And a Big Hello to all the Dr Who fans who have been directed here!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

American Cartoon.

Not quite a WALKING EYE!

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Bonus Who's That What? Saturday 2nd October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Also, Facebook!

Well done to Steve, who successfully identified Thunder, Lo-Pan's exploding Storm from John Carpenter's Big Trouble In Little China.

And a Big Hello to all the Dr Who fans who have been directed here!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

American Comic Book and Cinema.

Pirates are IN this year!

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, October 1, 2010

Who's That What? Friday 1st October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules (Updated)

Just as a note - due to copyright stuff, have decided to stop selling pictures. Boo.
However, if donators of over £10 would like to choose a free gift image from the archive as a thank you, we can discuss things in emails.

Also, Facebook!

Well done to Leigh, who successfully identified Granny Weatherwax, from Terry Pratchett's Discworld.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5

American 80's Cinema.

This guy's death is such a brilliant moment of, er, exploding?

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.