Sunday, October 30, 2011

Who's That What? Monday 31st October Halloween Spectacular!

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Friday's was one of the urRu / Mystics, Giant Muppets from Dark Crystal that aren't rotting birds. No, it's a not a specific one. Yes, they are hippies.
Well done to Gemma, who tells me Fizzgig was Brian Blessed. As we already knew.

Oh, and a note: Just because something's obvious, doesn't mean I get a million entries.
The easiest ones get the least, as everyone thinks someone else will get it.
That's not the case! Email me! Get a picture! RARGH RARGH RARGH!

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Sexy Voiced Purple Nightmare


Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Who's That What? Friday 28th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Monday's was Dant'e Biasco as Rufio, sword-repository, near-sighted gynaecologist and BANGARANG of the Lost Boys from 1991's Hook!
Well done to Jessica, who points out that Biasco also voices Prince Zuko in Avatar: The Last Airbender. You know. That hot-headed red&black-themed change-of-heart would-be-leader. Hmm.

Oh, and a note: Just because something's obvious, doesn't mean I get a million entries.
The easiest ones get the least, as everyone thinks someone else will get it.
That's not the case! Email me! Get a picture! RARGH RARGH RARGH!

Closest Hit to the next Thousand (Screencapped) gets a free picture!

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Giant Muppet

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Doctor Who's That What? Wednesday 26th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Wednesday's, for now, in an attempt to do something different, will be Doctor Who's That What? Focussing on guessing / suggesting characters from The BBC's Old Man In A Box series, and various tentatively linked other shows (Hitch-Hiker's Guide, Blake's 7, Casanova... you get it).

Also, apologies for quality of scans. I'm on a new laptop, with none of my old kit. Will try and remedy this... once I've moved house. Hmm. Timing.

Last Week's was Melody "Mels" Pond!
Well done to Alexander, who asks "If being conceived in the TARDIS amkes you half Time Lord, does being conceived in a submarine make you Aquaman?"

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Timelord Bailiff Doppelgänger Thing

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Who's That What? Monday 24th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Friday's was animatronic / man in a suit midget-bear-shaman Logray The Ewok. Sortof from Star Wars.
Well done to Kiwi, who tells me Logray's operator was also Jabba The Hutt's tail.
So an Ewok is Jabba's butt. HUTT BUTT.

Oh, and a note: Just because something's obvious, doesn't mean I get a million entries.
The easiest ones get the least, as everyone thinks someone else will get it.
That's not the case! Email me! Get a picture! RARGH RARGH RARGH!

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5
Ridiculous 90's Mexican Lost Boy

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Who's That What? Friday 22nd October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Friday's was DC's Phantom Stranger. Kind of a metaphysical counterpart of a benevolent Hobo.
Well done to Terrence Thirteen, who accuses The Stranger of being a smoke-bomb using charlatan. And by Terrence Thirteen, I actually mean Tamsin.

Monday's was Bubbles, Blossom & Buttercup, AKA The Powerpuff Girls!
Well done to Issy, who sent me a truly awesome Nigerian Prince Letter for last Monday's Howl. Only problem, was Issy suggested Howl in the first place. So then she sent me Terrifying Breasts.

Oh, and a note: Just because something's obvious, doesn't mean I get a million entries.
The easiest ones get the least, as everyone thinks someone else will get it.
That's not the case! Email me! Get a picture! RARGH RARGH RARGH!

Closest Hit to the next Thousand (Screencapped) gets a free picture!

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Shamanistic Space Teddy Bear

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Doctor Who's That What? Wednesday 19th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Wednesday's, for now, in an attempt to do something different, will be Doctor Who's That What? Focussing on guessing / suggesting characters from The BBC's Old Man In A Box series, and various tentatively linked other shows (Hitch-Hiker's Guide, Blake's 7, Casanova... you get it).

Also, apologies for quality of scans. I'm on a new laptop, with none of my old kit. Will try and remedy this... once I've moved house. Hmm. Timing.

Last Week's was The Myrka!
Well done to Rob, who reminded me of the monster's weakness to Strobe Lights & Tegans.

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
Potential Continuity Headache

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Who's That What? Monday 17th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Friday's (and Wednesday's) are still open!
I'm moving house currently, so will get to the admin/prizes next week.

Oh, and a note: Just because something's obvious, doesn't mean I get a million entries.
The easiest ones get the least, as everyone thinks someone else will get it.
That's not the case! Email me! Get a picture! RARGH RARGH RARGH!

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5
Animated Tiny Girls

I always thought it said "Topless Fighter". Huh,

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Who's That What? Friday 14th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Monday's was Howl, dreamy Welsh misanthropic wizard of both Dianne Wynne Jones & Miyazaki's Howl's Moving Castle.

Thanks to all the awesome facts this time, including Hayley's terrifying link.

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5
Mysterious Comic Book Man Of Mystery

Not Constantine.

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Doctor Who's That What? Wednesday 12th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Wednesday's, for now, in an attempt to do something different, will be Doctor Who's That What? Focussing on guessing / suggesting characters from The BBC's Old Man In A Box series, and various tentatively linked other shows (Hitch-Hiker's Guide, Blake's 7, Casanova... you get it).

Also, apologies for quality of scans. I'm on a new laptop, with none of my old kit. Will try and remedy this... once I've moved house. Hmm. Timing.

Last Week's was The Sixth Doctor & Frobisher!
Well done to Krissy, who just had this to say.

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5
Silly, silly monster

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, October 10, 2011

Who's That What? Monday 10th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Friday's was Wordy, terrifying automaton of spelling from BBC's Look & Read.
Well done to World Champion Ed, who told me that Wordy was in porn. Well. That's nice.

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Anime Movie & Children's Fantasy Book Misanthrope Welsh Wizard

Not Batman.

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Who's That What? Friday 7th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Monday's was Thoth-Amon, archetype of the Noble Villain, sort-of-nemesis of Conan, and creation of Robert E Howard.
Well done to Ann, who reminded me that Thoth-Amon never, ever meets Conan, and his all-powerful ring ends up in... a Cthulu story. Huh. Continuity.

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
BBC Learning Drone

...I don't think this scene is accurate.

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Doctor Who's That What? Wednesday 5th October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Wednesday's, for now, in an attempt to do something different, will be Doctor Who's That What? Focussing on guessing / suggesting characters from The BBC's Old Man In A Box series, and various tentatively linked other shows (Hitch-Hiker's Guide, Blake's 7, Casanova... you get it).

An early quicky, as I have no 'webs at all at home.
Also, apologies for quality of scans. I'm on a new laptop, with none of my old kit. Will try and rememdey this... once I've moved house. Hmm. Timing.

Last Week's was Auton Centutrion Rory! Well done to Tom, who gave me such a complete list of "partial Rory deaths", there's some on there I hadn't even considered, and I was up to two hands already.

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5
Easy Clown, Harder Companion

If I'd thought, I would have drawn his awesome blue costume from that 2002 web serial.

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Who's That What? Monday 3rd October

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Updating Regularly Monday & Friday, For Now.
Special Posts on Wednesdays.

Hey. Welcome back. Let's pretend nothing's changed.

Monday's was Waluigi, evil-twin of Mario's regular twin, Luigi, from many Nintendo games.
Well done to Dave, who explained to me:

Waluigi is the first step on the slippery slope of opposite alternates for *all* the mario universe characters.
This involves:
Princess Wapeach - who is short and fat, wears blue and has a moustache.
Princess Waisy - Who is eight foot tall, lanky, and stick-thin with stripey socks and a Danny Elfman soundtrach
Wowser - A cute lizard with rubber safety spikes, who throws bunches of flowers
Wayoshi - A fat gluttonous dinosaur with a giant mouth that eats everything in sight, and throws his poop at people
Woad - The less said, the better.

Haha, Waisy.

- David

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So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 5 Out Of 5
Stygian Nemesis-of-Barbarians

Noble Villain Archetype.

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.