Sunday, January 30, 2011

Who's That What? Weekend Centenary Spectacular! Sunday January 30th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Thursday's was Chase Stein from Runaways!
That's like, three of those guys now!

Well Done to Sacha, who spoke more Bro talk to me than I ever wish to hear again.

Still going to keep Saturday's open.
If people are out there thinking "But that's obvious!",
then it seems that that's almost all of you, so nobody ends up entering.
And thus nobody wins. Boo.

Also, either today, yesterday or Monday, I estimate is the 100th WTW!
Depends if you count it as Tagged Entries, Entry Pictures (not including Reposts), or including reposts.

So have some of the good stuff.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Some Guy from Some American-Japanese Tv Show Thing

Evil Martial Artist < Good Martial Artist < Race Car Driver < Paleontologist

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Who's That What? Weekend Centenary Spectacular! Saturday January 29th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Apologies for lack of post yesterday. Here's a little explanation / hand wave.

Am mega-did-not-sleep-tastic right now, so Thursday's winners tomorrow.

Also, either today, tomorrow or Monday, I estimate is the 100th WTW!
Depends if you count it as Tagged Entries, Entry Pictures (not including Reposts), or including reposts.

So have some of the good stuff.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
Some Cast Of Some Popular Tv Show Thing

And that's four suggestions out the way in one go.
Damn I'm good.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, January 28, 2011

The Deal

Hello Everyone!

Sorry for the lack of post today. I slept something like seventeen hours. It wasn't very nice. I feel terrible, and only have my dreary front room to grace me for twelve hours now. Yay. Boo.

For people that don't know, considering I use Ink Mumblings here as just a place for Who'sThatWhat? rather than a personal Blog, I suffer from suicidal depression, and it really sucks.

Every so often I just don't want to. Like, anything. I just don't want to do it. And sometimes my body's in charge of doing that rather than my head. Which really sucks.

One of the things I'm currently not doing is chasing up my Sick Pay, that has not arrived since November, leaving me penniless and behind rent. Which really sucks. Please also bear in mind that this sick note states that "David is unable to deal with people", which double sucks because that means I'm not only unfit for employment, but also unfit to deal with freakin' incapacity benefit as it involves dealing with a heck a lot of people especially when it's screwed up. Boing!

So yeah. Rant over. Today just didn't happen. But look over there! Is that 99 Who's That What posts? I think it might be! Although I'm sure one of them at least is just a reminder on buying pictures, I still count it. So the next one, Saturday, I'm going to make extra special.

Talking of pictures, just a reminder: although I can't accept money for pictures directly, I'm more than happy to give away previous pictures along with money for donations, considering, as stated above, I do this every day with no sort of income. Pop me an email if you're interested,a s at least ten or so pictures are long gone by now. This isn;'t me fishing for cash, this is just reminding that you can own these!

See you soon,

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Who's That What? Thursday January 27th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Wednesday's was hemaphroditic alien ambassador from Alpha Centauri... err... Alpha Centauri from the Pelladon serials from Doctor Who.

Well done to Dan, who veritably hates it.
Along with almost everyone else.
But I can taste his hate.

Tuesday's was lithe, stealthy shapeshifter assassin Mystique,
and very-big, very-hairy, not very-stealthy assassin Sabretooth from Marvel's X-Men.
Specifically their :"Ultimate" incarnations. Neeeerrrrdddsss.

Well Done to Chris R who reminds us that Mystique gets around.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Teenage US Comic Hero Jock Bro Thing

"The last time I saw my uncle it was in my rearview mirror.
And he was lying dead in the road.
And I know he was dead.
Because I killed him.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Who's That What? Wednesday January 26th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Monday's was recurring Summon and Angelic Ice Goddess (HoHo!) Thing Shiva
from a lot of Final Fantasy Games, specifically X here.

Well Done to Jo, who reminded me that Shiva's graphic is rendered from
"the frozen tears of a thousand frustrated cosplayers". Trufax.

Also back slaps to Helly, whose love of Final Fantasy VIII cramps her styles,
and Issy, who has the MOREST OF FACTS!!!1

Now, on the other hand, Tuesday's is still open! Sigh!

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
British Sci Fi Terrible Alien


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Who's That What? Tuesday January 25th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Monday's is still open. Rarr!

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
Comic Book Villains

True Fact: They Had A Neo-Nazi Biggot Kid.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Who's That What? Monday January 24th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Sunday's was Ged, also known as Sparrowhawk, Master Wizard and Hero of Ursula Leguin's Earthsea

Big thanks to everyone who congratulated me on the picture. I was well proud of it too.

Well done to Hannah, who really does seem to like Dragons. And cool fantasy names.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Video Game Recurring Spirit / God / Aide Thing

Has 1,100,000 HP

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Who's That What? Sunday January 23rd

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Saturday's was Spike & Drusilla from Buffy: The Vampire Slayer. Surprise!

Well done to Rich, who laments Sarah Michelle Geller's career.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5
Classic Fantasy Novel Hero Mage Type

I don't draw him like anyone else,
mostly because most of the official art for him gives him the wrong skin colour.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Who's That What? Saturday January 22nd

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Friday's Drake Mallard, aka Darkwing Duck.
Yeah, I sunk that low.

Sorry it wasn't Duckula. Boo.

Well done to Ellie, who reminded me that she is the fingernail that scrapes the blackboard of my soul.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
TV Sorta Villainous Types

I miss the days when every grubby 18-year-old tried to dress like him.
Oh wait. No I don't. Ha!

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, January 21, 2011

Who's That What? Friday January 21st

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Thursday's was Space Angel Glass Diva Monster Lady GaGa.
Also referred to as Quartzassanphanni and Jinko McFancyPants.

Well done to Hayley, who filled my inbox with lyrics, and then slapped me for not being FABULOUS enough.

Also back-slaps to Dan, whose Aztec annecdotes made me wee (again).

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Horrid Cartoon Fowl Of Vengeance

The Terror That Flaps In The Night.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Who's That What? Thursday January 20th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Wednesday's was Big-Haired Space Pirate Demon Ryoko, and transforming Spaceship-Cat-Rabbit-Hybrid Thing Ryo Ohki from almost every series of Anime Harem Tenchi -.

Well done to Clare, who explained how Ryo-Ohki was conceived and SCARRED ME FOR LIFE.

Also back-slaps to Tamsin who drew me a freakin' relationship diagram between Tenchi's harem, explaining how everyone was related to him.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5
Pop Diva. And Fashion Nightmare.


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Who's That What? Wednesday January 19th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Sunday's was Igor, well-mannered yet hellish owner of the Velvet Room from the
Shin Megami Tensei Persona games.
Yeah. H'obscure.

Well done to Heather, who pretty much sent me a profile!
And back-slaps to Dan, who google-fu'd it too.

Tuesday's was Galactic President, Inventor Of The Pan-Galactic Gargle-Blaster, and, according to his psycho-analyst Gag Helfrunt, "just this guy, y'know?", Zaphod Beeblebrox, from the legendary Douglas Adam's Hitch-Hiker's Guide To The Galaxy Trilogy In Four Parts (in Six Books).
Kinda modelled him on Mark Wing Davey's TV portrayal, but with his weird jumper changed intoa coat more reminiscent of Sam Rockwell's movie incarnation.

Well done to Tom, who not only sent me a small biography, but also lamented how this was the first one he'd known to enter. D'aww. Also, Happy Birthday!

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Anime Vixen

Spoilers: The Cat-Rabbit is a spaceship.

Also, what was I thinking with that pose?
Oh wait. It's accurate to the character.
Double Sigh.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Who's That What? Tuesday January 18th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Going to keep Sunday's open until someone gets it. Someone.

Monday's was Hawkeye, BJ & Radar from legendary, and still kinda funny comedy,
I-swear-it's-Korea-guys-and-not-a-social-satire-on-'Nam-I-mean-why-would you-say-that,

Well done to Mark, who identified everyone & reminded me of weekday nights being moderately bored watching TV & avoiding my AS-Level revision.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
British Sci Fi Scoundrel

We are not going to be great.
We are not going to be amazing.
We are going to be amazingly amazing!

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, January 17, 2011

Who's That What? Monday January 17th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Going to keep Sunday's open until someone gets it. Someone.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
70's US TV Comedy

Epic Bromance.
Between Medics.
In Asia.
Drinking Martinis.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, January 16, 2011

Who's That What? Sunday January 16th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Saturday's was, h'obviously, a more realistic take on nazi-supporting anger-management poster-child Donald Duck.

Well done to Sara, who taught not to judge a duck by his lisp-- I mean, naturally ducky vocal limitations.

Also hats off to Ger and his Disney/ Raymond Chandler mix;
Issy and her very wrong videos;
Ellie's theories on inter-Disney hitmen;

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 5 Out Of 5
JRPG Creepy Guy


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Who's That What? Saturday January 15th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

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Hello Everyone!

Sorry. Kind of lost my Friday. So here's Saturday.

Wednesday's was Scientific Stick In The Mud Egon Spengler,
as portrayed by Harold Ramis, but mostly by Maurice Lemarche in the cartoon, The Real Ghostbusters.
Who was also This Guy.

Well Done to Kat, who identified Egon as the archetypal Mythbusters watcher.

Thursday's was King Of The Northmen & Liberal Activist Noggin The Nog!

Well done to Dan, who theorized that Oliver Postgate originally planned Noggin as a Sitcom of Shakespeare's Hamlet:
  • Old Hamlet = King Knut. Dead, but haunting Number 2b Elsinor Road as a ghost, much to the annoyance of everyone else! Hilarity ensues when the vicar drops by for tea.
  • Claudius = Nogbad the Bad, who wants to get it on with Grunhilda/Gertrude, but whose plans are always spoiled by Noggin/Hamlet and/or Knut/Hamlet.
  • Gertrude = Queen Grunhilda. Has a very saucy relationship with Nogbad, filled with double entendres.
  • Hamlet = Noggin. Cheered up somewhat for light entertainment, he would have a hilarious attack of stress-induced Tourette's in every episode.
  • Ophelia = Nooka. Hamlet's fashion conscious sister. Regularly had mishaps with puddles/taxis, garden hoses, stuck taps etc, resulting in her being soaked to the skin, thus showing off her assets.
  • Polonius = Graculus. Stock footage of a parrot was used to save costs. He could be relied upon to repeat something embarrassing that someone else had said at exactly the right moment.
  • Horatio = Thor Nogson. Noggin's friend who fancied Nooka and would occasionally hilariously call her 'Nookie'. Always called Grunhilda/Gertrude 'Mrs. Nogg'.
  • Guildernstern and Rosencrantz = Olaf the Lofty and Ronf, the incredibly camp next door neighbours from Number 2a. One was very tall, the other was very short. Comedy gold!
  • Yorick = Prince Knut, the family dog.
Also, hats off to Jon, who claimed:
"Noggin the Nog was a real historical character.
He wasn't a
north-man, though, he was born in Portsmouth and used to frighten ducks and small children.
He was killed by a drunken bishop driving a
Lamborghini at the battle of Stamford Bridge.
His last words were
"Nice tyres, blood'."

And to Rich, who thought it was Titus Pullo from Rome.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 0 Out Of 5
More Literal Take On Cartoon Icon

Except here he doesn't have his speech impediment.
Because birds can't talk.
Unless you're a parrot.
Or a Mynah.
Or -- well, you get the picture.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Who's That What? Thursday January 13th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Wednesday's is still open!
Two entries? Bah! Bah I say!

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
60's British Children's Northman

I so had the hots for his wife.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Who's That What? Wednesday January 12th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Tuesday's was, of course, super-evolved feline and narcissistic idiot The Cat from Red Dwarf. Along with a Service Scutter. I like to imagine he's going "IAAOOOWWWRR!"

Well done to Rich, who reminded me into the scientific research Grant & Naylor performed early in the 80's, where cats were taken to Mir and dressed in fancy suits and spats.

Also, hats off to Sacha, who bawks at explanations about dwindling genepools, and Ger, whose detailed investigations into Danny John Jules sex-life with modern R&B sensations and his close-knit relationship with his Nokia Phone made me wee.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
80's Film & Cartoon Boffin

He collects Spores, Molds and Fungus.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Who's That What? Tuesday January 11th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Monday's was, of course, Top Gear test-driver and founder of Bulgaria, The Stig.
Amongst the numerous entries (including Dan claiming it was a picture of himself),
hats off to Ellie, who sent in a picture of all future Stigs. In Power Rangers colours.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
80's British Sci-Fi Feline


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Who's That What? Monday January 10th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!


Thursday's was The Aerialbots (Noble-but-Fearful Silverbolt, Skilled-but-Studious Skydive, Dangerous-but-Daydreamy Fireflight, Weak-yet-Bragging Slingshot and Strong-yet-Impulsive Air Raid) and their combined form Superion, lumbering behind them.
From The Transformers, ofcourse.

Well done to Luke, who named everyone and lamented Silverbolt's explanation for vertigo.
Because, as we all know, things that fly at low altitudes naturally get height phobia.
Like birds.
And airline pilots.

Also bonus mentions for Kat, who identified every member's Voice Actors; Simon, who recalls a story where turncoat Jetfire lies to Optimus Prime about the Aerialbots being psychiatrist-cases; and Niall, who was expecting Jimbo and The Jet Set.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5
Inventor of Blu-Tack

Every time someone uses the word ‘mincemeat’, he gets 25p

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Who's That What? Thursday January 6th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

I know I'm behind with replies.
Am off to Cambridge tomorrow until Sunday, so will catch up then.
Until then, big one for weekend.

Tuesday's was Basil Brush, British Children's Nightmare Fox!
Well done to Claudia, who informed me of Britain's secretive stuffed-animal-entertainer crime-rings.
Special thanks to Dan, who has possibly the most traumatic story of terrifying knock-off Basil Brush Dolls stuffed in a Black Bag.

Wednesday's was Joanna Lumley & David McCallum as Time Agents Sapphire & Steel.
Big thanks to the many entries for this one.
Well done to Simon, who still to this day does not buy "Sapphire" or "Steel" as Elements.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5
80's Heroic Airplanes

Vertigo, Vainglory, Arrogance, Humility, and Attention Deficit.
As Planes.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Who's That What? Wednesday January 5th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Am off out tonight.
In a rush, so Tuesday's will be announced tomorrow.
Fnarr Fnarr.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5
80's British TV Supernatural Do-Gooders

Do you know how hard it is to draw "detects when time is weird" and "cancelled after 6 episodes"?

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Who's That What? Tuesday January 4th

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Monday's was Coraline, from, well, Coraline. Take your pick of medium.
Well done to Cecily, who pottered around, took a photo of herself, and talked about cats.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5
British Children's Legend

He's like Terry-Thomas.
If Terry-Thomas was made of felt.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Who's That What? Monday 3rd January

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Saturday's was Liara, Tali and That Volus from Bioware's colossal Mass Effect games.
Well done to Chris who ponders how you "do it" with a lady with no immune systems. Hmm.

Sunday's was Jackie Chan's contemporary and dance-school-partner Sammo Hung, my favourite HK actor and master of being-so-much-faster-than-a-man-that-size-can-actually-be.
Well done to Dom, who sent me this, among general reverent gushing over Mr. Hung.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5
Children's Novella / Animated Film Heroine. And Cat.

Not enough Black Buttons here, really.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, January 2, 2011

Who's That What? Sunday 2nd January

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!

Saturday's is still open!

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5
Asian Action Hero

Proving That Large Men Flying Through The Air,
And Kicking A Bunch Of Guys,
Unaided, Is Freaking Awesome.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

Who's That What? Saturday January 1st!

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

- - -

Hello Everyone!
Happy New Year 1993!

Friday's was a Prinny,
an exploding undead surfer-dude penguin murderer,
from the Disgaea Games.

Well done to James I,
who reminded me that Prinnies die less frequently than Super Meat Boy,
but more frequently than, say, Prince of Persia.

- David

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5
Modern SciFi Video Game Attractive Ladies.
And a short fat guy.


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.