Friday, November 19, 2010

Who's That What? Friday 19th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Wednesday's was, of course, The Doctor & A Hoody,
as portrayed by Hamlet & A Northern Policeman trapped in 1973.

Contragulations to Ian, who reminded me of the high-class days
of rolled up carpet and fried-egg faces. Good times.

Also high-fives to Helly, who explained to me how Gene Hunt is a Time Lord. Ahoho.

Thursday's is still open.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

That Anime


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Who's That What? Thursday 18th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

I'm going to let Wednesday's brew for all the watchers from the Dr Who Blogs.
Hello you lot!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

US Comics

I've known our parents were evil since I was five.
This perverted little gathering just confirms it.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Who's That What? Wednesday 17th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Tuesday's was Khan Noonien Singh,
Super-Genetically-Enhanced Quoter of Ahab,
from Star Trek, and Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan!

Congratulations to Gerard,
who reminded me:

"Khans hairdo is so powerful that opon the films release
Chuck Norris walked into a barbers and said:
Gimme a Hair cut like THIS guy,
while he brandished a film poster.
As an aside it was discovered that a mortal man with barber grade scissors
does not have the strength to cut Chuck Norris hair."

Oh Chuck, is there nothing you can't do?
Like, Act? Or Love?

Also, kudos to Ed, Issy, Leigh, Trevor and Breccan,
Who sent little more than... well... you can guess...
It's his name... drawn out... and shouted...
Through space... Twice...

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5

British SciFi TV

Wibbly. Wobbly. Timey. Wimey... Stuff

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Who's That What? Tuesday 16th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Monday's was Vincent Valentine,
Not-A-Vampire Grumble-Monkey from Final Fantasy 7!

Congratulations to James,
who pointed out how utterly unimportant his badass metal-arm gauntlet-thing is!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

80's SciFi Film Villain

I've done far worse than kill you, Admiral. I've hurt you.
And I wish to go on hurting you.
I shall leave you as you left me, as you left her;
Marooned for all eternity in the center of a dead planet... buried alive!
Buried alive...!

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Who's That What? Monday 15th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Saturday's was Harley Quinn, The Joker's girlfriend,
originally from Bruce Timm's excellent Batman: The Animated Series!

Congratulations to Emma, who sent a whole buttload of facts!

- - -

So here's Monday's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

90's Video Game

Sleeps. In. A Coffin.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Who's That What? Sunturday 134th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

So, only one guess for Saturday?
Lies. Filthy Strawberry Lies.
This is staying up here until Monday.

- -

So here's Saturday's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5

DC Cartoons & Comics

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Love.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Who's That What? Friday 12th November

Accidentally deleted the original post. Whoops.
But yes. It was Kate Bush as Babooshka. YAY!

Who's That What? Saturday 12th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Argh, accidentally deleted previous post. Balls.

In case you missed:
Wednesday - Slitheen.
Winner: Alister

Thursday - Inspector Gadget.
Winner: Katy

Friday's was Kate Bush as the sword-wielding, cello-hiding-in, chainmail-bikini-toting Babooshka, from the video of the same name.

Congratulations to Mikey, who totally made me very sad,
with his sad sad story of CD-theft and Bush persecution.

And a very special thankyou to Olwen,
who reminded me that DON'T GIVE UP // CAUSE YOU HAVE FRIENDS.
Sniff. Gets you right here. In the pancreas.

For the weekend, here's an easy one!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5

DC Cartoons & Comics

It's a Mad Mad Mad Mad Mad Love.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Who's That What? Thursday 11th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

I'm going to let Wednesday's brew for a few more hours.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5

80's Cartoon Hero

(Damn, I was into strange darwing habits in 2006...)

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Who's That What? Wednesday 10th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Monday's was The Cure's singer, happy chappy "Fat Bob" Robert Smith!
Well done, Niall!

Tuesday's was Raz, from the brilliant cult classic, Psychonauts!
Contragulations, Rosie!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

British SciFi TV Alien

"Oh! I sound like a Welshman.
God help me, I've gone native.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Who's That What? Tuesday 9th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Pfft. Seriously.
Going to keep Monday's open until tomorrow,
as I forgot to link it in a couple of places!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

00's Video Game Hero

"It looks like a Dental Office. A Mental Dentist's Office."

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Who's That What? Monday 8th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Congratulations to Sal, who recognized Saturday's WTW,
The Breakfast Club
from some film by the guy who did Ferris Bueller!

Gah. Sorry about yesterday.
Not havinga great time. Head is a mess.
Here. Have more filler.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

80's Musician


Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Surprise Lazy Bonus Who's That What? Saturday 6th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Congratulations to Inigo, who recognized Friday's WTW,
David Warner as Evil
from Terry Gilliam's Time Bandits!

Apologies - I'm still actually behind at the moment.
Really, really behind.
More Old Pictures From My Very Very Old Folders!

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

80's Film

"Naked blonde walks into a bar with a poodle under one arm,
and a two-foot salami under the other.
The bartender says, I guess you won't be needing a drink.
Naked lady says..."

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Who's That What? Friday 5th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Congratulations to Dan, who recognized Thursday's WTW, Lord Fanny from Grant Morrison's The Invisibles!

Apologies - I'm actually behind at the moment.
However, I have raided my old, old archives, and found some pictures from years back that'll work for when I screw up, like today.

- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 3 Out Of 5

80's Film Villain

"If I were creating the world,
I wouldn't mess about with butterflies and daffodils.
I would have started with Lasers! Eight O'Clock! Day One!"

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Who's That What? Thursday 4th November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

The Facebook Group!

Big Hello to all you Who-fans who got pointed here by Combom - Martin, you are The Geezer.

Congratulations to Julian, (and the 30 or so others!) who recognized Wednesday's WTW, Ace & The Seventh Doctor!

If you have not received a reply from me yet - my apologies.
I only got back from London at 2am today. Replies incoming!
- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5

Vertigo Comic Hero/ine

"What are we looking for darling?
A little piece of smouldering charcoal that says "fuck" every five minutes?"
Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Who's That What? Wednesday 3rd November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Congratulations to Christi, who recognized Monday's WTW, The Sandman's Remiel & Duma!
And Adam, who recognized Tuesday's, the beloved Captain Pugwash!
Yeah, he was totally called Tom. Not Roger.
Hoho. The Grauniad.
- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 2 Out Of 5

British SciFi TV

Blown Up Chemistry Experiment = ICEWORLD

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Who's That What? Tuesday 2nd November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Congratulations to Ellie, who recognized Friday's WTW, Marvel's Dr. Strange!
Unfortunately no-one recognized his Robert E Howard created adversary, Shuma Gorath.
- - -

So here's Today's:
Difficulty: 1 Out Of 5

British Children's Book & TV

Cue The Trumpet Hornpipe!

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.

Who's That What? Belated Monday 1st November

Identify The Character. Email me. Win a Picture.

The Rules

Apologies for missing Monday, despite promising.
Got ill, drained, emotional and tired after weekend.
Here it is now!

Congratulations to Ellie, who recognized Friday's WTW, Marvel's Dr. Strange!
Unfortunately no-one recognized his Robert E Howard created adversary, Shuma Gorath.
- - -

So here's Yesterday's:
Difficulty: 4 Out Of 5

Comic Minor Characters

If it's not Gods Walking As Men, it's going to be Homosexual Angels.

Remember, you don't have to be first email in to win!
Just include an interesting fact, to make me love you most!

Go On. Email. Get Cracking.